Mission & Vision

The mission of SouthEast Prescribed Fire Management Group, LLC is to serve local, state, and federal entities, as well as, underserviced landowners to meet their land management objectives.


Use research based forestry and land management practices to assist stakeholders to meet land management objectives by working collaboratively to:

  • Utilize prescribed burn practices to improve the overall health and promote suitable growing conditions of ecosystems, especially those associated with Longleaf and Loblolly pine stands

  • Improve existing and establish new firelines

  • Reduce the spread of invasive species; such as Japanese climbing fern, Waterthymes, Kudzu, & Cogongrass

  • Reduce wildfire hazards through the creation of “safe zones”

  • Incorporate the use of Mesophytes to decrease flammability

  • Implement drone surveillance for invasive species, bug infestations, and fire monitoring